Sunday, January 15, 2012

String Quilts

Ever make a String Quilt? Well, me neither~ till I watched Quilty on QNNTV. In a matter of a few minutes, you'll get the hang of this fun block. Just take bits and pieces and create absolute magic! You have to iron each piece, so for me this combined Sewing and Exercise. My ironing board is across the room, so each time I'd have to get up and walk across the room to iron- it went sort of like this- cut, sew, walk, iron, cut, sew, walk, iron!!! Now, when I really get rollin' on this, I'll move the ironing board closer so I can just swing around on my chair. Truth be told- I was having WAY too much fun to stop and move things around. There is a green print with flip flops that is consistent as the center stripe on all four blocks. These are arranged two different ways- in a diamond and as an X. I'm going to make a kids size quilt. Oh, and thanks to my Mom for letting me "shop" for all the great fabric in her sewing stash!!!

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